Sunday 30 June 2019

Gone away

12 - 23 June 2019

I had long been booked to escort Mum home and stay a week with her, but my Dad had been ill, so I bought another flight and arranged to go north at the end of the week to visit Dad and then go on to stay with my son.  All this left Dave enjoying solitary splendour in the finished house. 

There was some chance of work being done on the kitchen terrace while I was away, but now the tourist season is fully underway, everyone is doing three jobs at once, and we weren't too bothered to make ours a priority. 

So while I toured the UK, Dave sent these updates:

With the guest bedroom packed away and the music room reinstated, Dave finally got to set up his guitar corner the way he wanted it.

 Work starts on the decking.  Old lumps of lime plaster from around the mixer were dug out and used as filler for this block outside the kitchen door, topped with fresh gravel.  I was worried that if we left it as an empty space it would become attractive to hornets and paper wasps for nest sites.

 The water tank site was dug out and filled with sand so they could be bedded in, ready for the deck to be built over them.

 Where the mixer was, showing a great clear-up job of the debris washed out during cleaning.

 Levelling the top with the kitchen floor

 Decking planks in place, so we can get in and out easily if the work stops here for a few weeks/months

Meanwhile, in the UK - I'm playing happy families.

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