Sunday 30 December 2018

The entry floor saga

c. 10 - 21 December 2018

Neil came to lay the floor in the entry behind the front door.  I asked him to lay an area for a door mat slightly lower than the rest, which he was happy to do, but we had to find something thin enough.  After trying some random floor tiles I'd collected when thinking about mosaicing, but which wouldn't cut straight, and then considering using some of the terracotta tiles from the store for the kitchen, but we may not have enough, we gave up in frustration, and ran out of time.

Neil came back to try again, and reviewed the stones for the floor - called 'plaka' in Greek - and couldn't find enough thin pieces to fit.  When we laid the limecrete slab, I remember I sort of guessed how thick the plaka pieces were - and got it wrong.  Almost every piece thickened to around 5 cm, and I'd only allowed 4 cm.  So Neil suggested we look for something thinner, and went away.

We found that you can get plaka pieces split to 2.5 cm, so we ordered 7 square metres and Neil came back some days later and finally this job was a go; and the plaka slabs were thin enough for the doormat area too.

 New pieces on pallet, rejected bits strewn around behind

 Trying the terracotta tiles in the doorway - they are quite a different colour from the ones already laid in the kitchen - we were warned, but we bought up the remaining stock anyway.  We decided not to use them here

 Neil gets stuck in, Dave making mixes of lime mortar.

 The slightly lowered section at the front door, so we can have a door mat .

The finished job.  We'll leave it to dry for a couple of weeks and then grout it.

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