Friday 30 November 2018

Plaster and window trims

1 - 3 Nov 2018

Last remaining panels completed in the bathroom, and then I had an epiphany and realised that the studio (which always seems self-indulgent and gets left to last) needs limewash and window trims too.  Otherwise, we'll finish the rest of the house and realise we have to upheave everything all again to fix up the studio.  So Dave moved onto window trims and I started clearing out, cleaning the woodwork and masking for limewash.

Limewashing done, and some of the tape removed.  Windows and skirting ready for painting.

Then Rowan came round and said he was dismantling the tree house to clear around their build site, and could Paris come to stay for a week when she came back from the UK.  So I set up a bed in the music room.

 Dave kept a corner because his new gear had arrived and he wanted to set it up

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