Tuesday 31 July 2018

Checking in on the garden

24 July 2018

The garden is flourishing madly.  Dave is fantastic, going out and watering every morning, until he's exhausted and overheating.  A big part of this winter's work will be setting up a robust water capture and distribution network in the garden.

 The top beds, dug out as swale (ditch) and berm (mound) terraces, and filled with masses of woodchip, are doing really well.  From the bottom corner, there is a small Moringa tree in the foreground, with tomatoes just behind.

 Slightly higher up, the bed in the foreground has goji berry bushes in flower at the front, and a couple of Moringas further back.  Buckwheat planted as green manure is flowering around the base of the Moringas.

 And a miracle!  One of the Moringas has put out flowers.  If there is enough summer left they might go to pods, and then we have our own seeds.  The Moringa is very adaptive, so each generation of seeds is better suited to our climate.  Fingers crossed!

 Our fabulous strawberry clump, providing a good handful of strawberries every day for my breakfast

 Along the top bed (with Dave in the background, showing the height of the Moringas (about 6ft).  The roses are doing well too.

 Our little orange tree, which was covered in tiny fruit, but when it got too hot they all fell off.  Now it has started putting a few new ones out (centre of picture).

 Angel-pup, helping Dave with the watering and getting damp and worn out in the process

And the garden herb bed, gone crazy with rocket, kale, parsley and mint, and unspecified courgette/pumpkin type plant transplanted from just outside the chicken run, self-seeded.

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