Tuesday 31 July 2018

A few milestones omitted

July 2018

Most of my blog photos are taken with the camera, but increasingly I'm using my phone when I don't have the camera with me.  Then I forget I have these extra shots to include in the blog, so here's a few notes that should've been included earlier in the month:

 2 July - Getting the band back together: Robbie, Dave, Mark and Rob play a nostalgia gig at the Tree Bar

 4 am July 4th - Angel arrives - this picture is too sweet not to be included!

 4pm July 4th - on the way back from dropping Rob off at Igoumenitsa, Dave and I go a little crazy and order a new car!  Neither of us have ever had a new car!!!  A 2018 Nissan Leaf - all electric - not yet released in Greece, but we hope to get it before the end of the year (and hope that our battered Punto will last that long)

16 July - a property I part-own in the UK is being sold, here are the signed and witnessed contract documents strapped to the back of the bike, ready for an early dart to the Post Office.

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