Saturday 26 August 2017

Home for a week

7 - 12 August 2017

Home for a week, between boat trips.  Mostly we sat around recovering, and doing the washing (me) or building electric bikes (Dave).  But also, we spent time just appreciating our patch of land.

 Look, a tortoise, nibbling its way round our veggie garden.

 First outing - down to Nidri on the electrobikes.  Mine hit a top speed of 36 km/h on the bypass!

 As I was doing a bit of cleaning for our expected visitors, I found this baby gecko covered in sticky spiderweb.  Using a little nail, I peeled off as much as I could, at least to free its left arm and leg which were virtually immobilised.  At some point it had dropped its tail, as a tiny stub was regrowing.  Nice to get to know a little gecko.  I released it into our walls once it was able to scutter about.

 Then Jonathan, Sarah, and Bella arrived, so we went for lunch ...

... then everyone came to see the house, including Rowan from Nisos and his extended family who had been on our fleet the previous week.

 And then we went for a meal - phew, long day!

 Lots of research was done during the week.  The off-grid system we want was agreed, with just money transfer to arrange.  I also started looking for a kitchen wood burning stove, to go where the hat is in this picture.

 Meanwhile, the garden, although very dry, was managing to produce a few bits and pieces - including this marvellous sunflower ...

... and a single melon (which we will have to fight the tortoise for, when it is ripe).

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