Sunday 27 August 2017

Electrobike Adventures

23 - 25 August 2017

Having converting the bicycles to electric, Dave was pushing for opportunities to put them through their paces.

 First mission: to try out the trailer.  I wasn't too keen to take a long vehicle through Nidri High Street while it is still August, but we had shopping to do, and parcels expected at the Post Office, so a backpack probably wouldn't do.  In the event, the trailer did a very good job, and was packed out by the end.  There was more at the PO than expected, including books, and we needed lots of veg.  I was probably hauling around 20 kilos by the time we came back up the hill to home.  The electrics coped easily, barely used any charge and I didn't have to strain at all.  Very successful.  

We're not quite sure why I've got the trailer, except that it was my idea to get it, so Dave fixed the attachment to my bike.  We have to send for another attachment so he can haul it too.

Then the second mission appeared - Jonathan and Bella were still out yachting, but they were coming into Rouda Bay on Lefkas for Friday night, and did we want to join them for a meal?  Rouda Bay is about 13 km (8 miles) from home, and the road climbs steeply for half of that, then descends in a series of hairpin bends.  Again, I thought it was madness, but Dave was all for the adventure.  So we packed our swimmers, made sure the batteries were full, and set off.  

I was pleased to see that the batteries were just touching half power at the highest point of the climb, which is about two thirds of the way there.  Then we had the long downhill, hard work on the wrists and fingers clamped on the brakes.  We arrived still on half power, had a swim and a meal, and set off back in the dark.  This was quite scary, because there was very little light, and a lot of traffic (August by the seaside!), and some mad puppies that chased me in the dark, yapping round my wheels.  

It was a long, hard ride - given that we'd only been back and forth to Nidri before - and we covered 27 km (17 miles) in total, but the actual cycling with the electric assist was a doddle.  I would definitely do it again - tho' perhaps not at night.  My battery went to one quarter full just outside our field, so there was plenty left in it - I'd been conserving power just in case.  

Next morning - I had a flat tyre!  Incredibly grateful that didn't hit during the ride.


Saturday 26 August 2017

Spying on the wildlife

21 August 2017

One of our recent purchases is something we've wanted for a long time, which is a 'trail camera'.  Basically, it's an outdoor camera that you strap to a tree, and it is activated by movement, day or night.  We were keen to see what was sniffing round the chicken hut, and what was eating the tomatoes.

 I had forgotten it was there when I went to collect the eggs

 But later that night - horrible, an enormous husky is loose in the garden - a bit worrying

And even later, this image.  We couldn't see what had triggered the camera until we looked closely at the bottom left-hand corner - a brush with disaster!

Boating Week 3

13 - 20 August 2017

Last time round our circuit.  With the added surprise of seeing Jonathan in Kalamos ...

  'of all the harbours in all the Ionian, you happen to come into ... the one we're in!

 What looks like a tranquil scene, which Kalamos in August definitely isn't!

 Taking selfies to amuse ourselves between moorings

 Dave and I in the little restaurant called 'Amalia' in Agia Euphemia which we really liked,

 partly because it had this fabulous view

 A day later, more selfies, in our favourite restaurant, Mills, in Kioni.  De-mob happy, as the stress is now definitely over.

 Sunday morning, going back to Nidri, we went early with one of our flock (in the background) who had an early flight to catch

A very lovely sunrise kept us company

Home for a week

7 - 12 August 2017

Home for a week, between boat trips.  Mostly we sat around recovering, and doing the washing (me) or building electric bikes (Dave).  But also, we spent time just appreciating our patch of land.

 Look, a tortoise, nibbling its way round our veggie garden.

 First outing - down to Nidri on the electrobikes.  Mine hit a top speed of 36 km/h on the bypass!

 As I was doing a bit of cleaning for our expected visitors, I found this baby gecko covered in sticky spiderweb.  Using a little nail, I peeled off as much as I could, at least to free its left arm and leg which were virtually immobilised.  At some point it had dropped its tail, as a tiny stub was regrowing.  Nice to get to know a little gecko.  I released it into our walls once it was able to scutter about.

 Then Jonathan, Sarah, and Bella arrived, so we went for lunch ...

... then everyone came to see the house, including Rowan from Nisos and his extended family who had been on our fleet the previous week.

 And then we went for a meal - phew, long day!

 Lots of research was done during the week.  The off-grid system we want was agreed, with just money transfer to arrange.  I also started looking for a kitchen wood burning stove, to go where the hat is in this picture.

 Meanwhile, the garden, although very dry, was managing to produce a few bits and pieces - including this marvellous sunflower ...

... and a single melon (which we will have to fight the tortoise for, when it is ripe).

Boating Week 2

31 July to 6 Aug 2017

Off to sea again, and as the season ramps up into August, it all gets rather more frantic out there ...

 ... not that it shows in this shot!  Waiting for our flock, as Kalamos starts to fill up (panic!!)

 Having discovered in Kalamos that Dave had left his shoes behind in Karnagio, we had to go the long way round the next day, to pick them up.  We were running late, so Dave had to shoot off in the Raspberry Rib(ble) while I pottered along in the yacht.

 Later in the week, in Agia Euphemia, amazed by these incredible structures - apparently once-a-lifetime flowering of American Agave succulents.  There were lots in Kephalonia.

 The most challenging part of the week finally behind us - all our flock rafted up comfortably in Kioni.  We had most of the Nisos high command in our fleet, and they invited us out to eat, which was very nice.  

 But most importantly - I finally bought the moonstone bracelet I've been wanting since last year from the artisan jeweller in Kioni village.  This picture doesn't do it justice, the blue tones in the moonstones are lovely.