Wednesday 31 May 2017

Home with the Mixer

31 May 2017

Having become utterly fed up of waiting for a mixer that may never arrive, and we have no claim on, anyway; we pooled our resources and reckoned we could afford our own mixer.  Taa-daa: we bought it on Tuesday, and it arrived Tuesday night (while we were out).  Dave moved it into position on Wednesday morning, greased it all up, threw the switch (it is electric - hurrah!) and made our first mix of 2017!

What a joy to have an electric one - no petrol, no pull cord, no carburettor to clean out frequently.  It takes 700 watts, so it is only slightly more demanding than our little kettle.  Solar powered mix!

 Lugging into position

 I'm helping by taking photos, honest!

 Levelling in the right spot

 Newly greased, very fresh and sparkly - Dave throws the switch ...!  Actually, he presses the button, and it purrs into action ...

 ... and not too long after, three sections of the utility are freshly plastered (by me, so I did do something!)

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