Wednesday 31 May 2017

Getting settled

1 - 7 May 2017

On the first evening, we had to catch each chicken and fling them into the chicken house for the night.  They didn't like being chased around.  Then on the first morning, we opened the door and they wouldn't even look out.  Clearly, the poor things had been psychologically damaged by their first three months on a chicken farm.  So we opened the big cleaning flap at the the back of the house, and 'persuaded' them out with a stick. 

Every day after that, they became a little more confident, and started to grasp the idea that the house was up the ladder, and they could use the ladder, and they should come out in the morning and go back in at night.  After we'd pushed the straw bale up to the ladder so it was only half the distance, they definitely started to get the idea. 

 Tentative examination of the open door ...

 Meanwhile, we finished fixing the wire to the hut, to complete the security arrangements

 Day two - out, but huddled together in 'worry corner'

 Day three - a bit more willing to trust their surroundings.

Satisfied chicken keepers!

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