Tuesday 29 November 2016

Strange Harvest

24 November 2016

After setting the puppies off on their journey to a new home, we walked back to the house and huddled up with tea until it got light.  Then we started clearing up.  All the paths needed checking for dog deposits, and everywhere around the area where they were tied up.

With that job done, we could finally lay our olive nets out and get on with the harvest.  We managed two trees (and only a quarter sack of olives) before needing a long sit down with more tea.  We also decided it was time to dig up our one successful sweet potato vine, and see if it had made any tubers.  Well, we were astonished.  Some massive tubers, and a really good crop overall, for our first go.  Very impressed.  We gathered all our harvest together for a photo shoot.

 One day's harvest: clockwise from the onion on the left: cherry tomatoes, still fruiting; strawberries - amazing, in November!; olives (a small sample)' mushrooms - which we were hoping might be chanterelle, but we weren't enough sure, so they went in the compost; sweet potatoes - wow!; and the lemon tree, finally producing fruit - lots more on the tree.

  Close-up of the sweet potatoes - two enormous tubers in there.

Strawberries, really very sweet, the plants are having a field day, putting out suckers all around

Dave models the largest potato - what a whopper!

Tea break

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