Saturday 26 November 2016

Dog days and a walk in the dark

23 and 24 November 2016

The puppy re-homing charity is taking Pepper and Scamp to Holland on Thursday.  So Wednesday was 'the last walk'.  We wanted them to get as much exercise as possible as they would be spending Thursday in a box.

 Even after 6 weeks of being told not to, they are still jumping up when they see us.  Here Scamp demonstrates her flying skills before being brought up short by the chain.

 Pepper doesn't trust the camera (which is coming on by itself)

 and then apologises for being distracted

 Tails moving too fast for the shutter speed

 Dave & dogs

 Sara & dogs on Wednesday afternoon's walk

 Then at 5:30 am the next morning

 Waiting patiently at the rendezvous, with no idea what all this strange behaviour means

 but looking a little hurt and betrayed, nonetheless

And even more so, when crammed in a box in a car for the drive to Thessaloniki, there to take a plane to Holland.  Not a fun day.  In the end, it was hard to part with them, especially Pepper, as they are lovely dogs.  But they need a lot of training, and training takes time, and we don't have the time if we're ever going to get the house finished.  It wouldn't be fair to them to keep them.

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