Saturday 29 October 2016

Puppy Dog Eyes

7 - 12 October 2016

On Friday, I heard something nosing around the sardine tin I'd put out for the cats.  Going outside, there was a puppy in the yard, I chased it away, and another one appeared.  I chased them both away.  The black one ran off up the track, but the white one circled round behind me and went in the house.

Not being a very doggy person, I shouted for Dave, who scooped it up from behind the kitchen table where it was cowering, and threw it out.  That night, they sheltered in our front porch.  In the morning we chased them off again.  This went on until Monday, when we could no longer avoid the realisation that if we didn't feed them, they would starve to death on our doorstep.

We assume they'd been dumped by someone who expected the British to come to the rescue.  We lived up to the stereotype.

 A rough-and-ready shelter, on an old blanket that dyed the white one pink

 Bedraggled in the rain, and starving - how to resist?

Two days later, now they adore us.

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