Thursday 28 April 2016

The Day Before

Friday 15 April 2016

The party is tomorrow.  Last year, at Dave's birthday, we had big dust problems when people danced, so this year I decided we would invest in 18 euros of cardboard and lay a floor.  Before anyone trod on it, it looked rather fabulous:

 Then I produced some signs, to help people find the house from the road.  The party is a three-way birthday: Jan's 60th; Lucy's 50th; and Beth (who didn't ever say how old).  Jan and Lucy are both performers and wanted a venue for live music, so we offered.

 I took the opportunity to make a permanent sign with directions across the field to the house

and rushed out a quick logo for a bit of corporate branding (!)

 Mark, Vinnie and John came round to 'test the sound system' so we had an impromptu jam session,

and I roughed out a running order for tomorrow night

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