Thursday 28 April 2016

Back in the Garden

11-13 April 2016

We're not planning to do any more plastering until after the party.  The weather is changeable, and frankly, we're wiped out by last week's efforts.  Lime takes a toll on the skin, and it's good to take a break and let my hands recover.

So, back to the garden.

 Dave whittling away at a cypress stump in what will be the driveway

 The middle one of the three terrace beds, ready for the earth to be turned ...

 ... and some time later

 A rustic bench and coffee table I rustled up to give us somewhere for tea while watching things grow

 The wildflower corner next to the bench

 Finally, after 5 years, I get round to making a little stand for the mains water pipe and taps

 ... and another long-procrastinated job - sheltering the mains water pipe from the sun.

A rather wonderful butterfly on the clover

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