Wednesday 30 March 2016

Stop-motion plastering

30 April 2016

The car started hiccupping and stopped us doing anything on Tuesday (except art and singing) so Plastering started with a vengeance on Wednesday, which dawned fair and beautiful and springsome.

Dave had given me a tripod for the camera for Christmas, and I reckoned this was a good time to try out stop-motion photography, so I set it up, and off we went.  Edited highlights below.  First job was to staple blue mesh onto the exposed wood (me), while Dave put membrane and mesh around the ground floor windows.

 Tea break! (in the sun in the distance)

 The battery on the camera was too low, so it didn't capture the whole morning.  It ran out just as the plastering started: here's the result of two mixes on the wall.

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