Wednesday 30 March 2016

Dave's Birthday

17 March 2016

Dave's birthday was a bit overcast, but we decided to get out and about a bit anyway.  We took off for Vassiliki, to see how it was after the big quake last year, and how the new sea wall was getting on.

 There were still clear signs of earthquake in Vas, and the harbour dredging was continuing.  We found a little taverna with a stove and a big pan of stew for the birthday lunch.  That evening we had tickets for the 1940s musical review, which was involved lots of people we know, and was great fun, and included Dave making an unscheduled stage appearance to do the Lambeth Walk.

Lucy (our friend who sings in the band) was in the review, looking very glamorous, here with Panos her boyfriend (plays Bass with Dave)

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