Monday 29 February 2016

Tree trunks

8 - 9 Feb 2016

With the first Moringa planted, and the terraced bed looking good, we pressed on with the garden re-modelling (we are also trying to get three coats of limewash all round the house, when the weather permits). 

The felled trees are mostly lying where they hit the ground, and they are huge: the largest is about 40cm diameter.  Rowan has said he'll stop by with Paris's cousin, Jake, to help shift them.  He also identified the three least knotty sections and we've put Jade to work stripping the bark from them.  Two of these will be used to support the roof at the back of the house, where we have temporary struts at present.

 Jade hard at work (she is currently trading an hours work for an hour guitar lesson from Dave)  Here she's stripping the largest stump so I can varnish it for an outdoor tea table.

 And these are the other trunks, with the three stripped ones at the back

 Meanwhile, I dug out trenches for the logs to sit in as the top line of the terrace beds on this slope.  Apparently logs will collect and hold water when it rains, and slow release the moisture into the bed below.  

 Rowan, Jake and Dave tackle the largest of the logs - it needs to be moved about three metres along the contour.  Not easy, but achieved by lifting one end at a time and zigzagging it into position.

Logs in place at the top of the lowest of the three terrace beds-to-be in this section.

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