Monday 29 February 2016

Can't see the wood ...

18-20 Feb 2016

Back home, having endured another very early start, extended bus journey and tractor blockades: including having to get out of our bus and walk through the picket line to another bus for the last 10 miles.

Next day, it was wonderful to be out in our field, messing about with the outdoors.  Dave looked after the house, and I built the stone terrace wall for the first of the long beds that will hopefully support the Moringa trees if we can get them to grow and not be eaten by crickets.

 A sneaky photo of the tractor blockade - didn't want to upset them!

 Back on the land - building the stone terracing for the top raised bed

 Meanwhile, our experiment with shiitake mushroom dowels - fresh cut oak logs drilled and plugged.  It may not work, but worth a try.

Saturday morning, and the trees arrive.  They didn't manage to get many of the exotics, but a good selection of fruit, nut, and nitrogen-fixing-bee-attracting specimens: 25 trees, 14 shrubs.  The pressure's on now to get the basic landscaping done and all these plants in the ground.

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