Monday 28 September 2015

Just ahead of the rain

Monday 7 Sept 2015

The chimney process had stalled due to lack of pipes, but George was able to come back on Monday and finish the job.  We were in a state of mild panic, as there was rain forecast and we didn't want to get any water in the ceiling boards after they'd had a long dry summer to recover from last winter's wetting. 

 The end of the summer - tarpaulins covering the unplastered bales and window boxes - no more light in the living room until the plastering is done.

 But ready for winter - the chimney installed and the stove back in place.  The chimney has been designed so the flue pipe inside the chimney blocks has an air gap all around it.  There is a ventilation inlet at the bottom right and an outlet at top left (visible above).  When we get a fan installed, and pipes from the outlet to the bedroom and bathroom, we will be able to circulate the hot air (not flue gases) to heat those other two rooms.  How neat is that?

 Off to Lefkas to pay for the roof to be sealed around the chimney by our original roofer, Yianni.  Walking through the old town, I spotted these couple of traditional doors as potential inspiration for our own front door design.

 That evening, some of the girls who had done the wacky crystals course with me earlier in the year were back in town for another course, so we invited them over for a barbeque.  Never have we had so many people in the music room!

Then early next morning, after Yianni had installed flashing and tiles, Dave put the final coat of waterproofing 'stucco' on the chimney and it is all sealed.  Then it rained.

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