Wednesday 29 April 2015


Weds 1 April 2015

Early Weds morning, thinking of getting out of bed, when I heard a rumbling from the road behind us - that'll be our rocks, I said to Dave.  Unlikely, he grunted.  The rumbling faded, then started to get louder again - a truck making its way down our track.  We leapt out of bed and were ready to take delivery of our new rocks only moments later.  We decided to have them dropped where the camper truck used to be, as there are more than enough, so we will be left with a pile for some time.

 Later that day - the 'D' shape inside the curve was finally filled in.  Both of us exhausted - Dave with making mix after mix, and me with collecting rocks and working them into the gap.  I hadn't realised how much climbing up and over the existing wall would be involved.

We now had to leave the SE corner wall to go off, so we continued on round the house, making the West wall wider to accommodate bales - if we ever manage to get hold of more of them!

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