Tuesday 28 January 2014

Window detail

Saturday 11 January 2014

Time to plaster up to the new window frames.  Rowan had brought the frame for the west window by now as well, so we did the final detailing before plaster on both windows.

The frame is fitted into the window box with a small plywood extension over the wall, so that membrane can be stapled behind it.  The top of the window frame has a 'drip-lip' a small shelf with a groove running underneath it to encourage water to fall off, rather than run back into the window.

 A bead of sealant is run all round the edge of the frame, on the ply.

Then a second layer of membrane is attached, over the ply.

 And finally, a layer of plastering mesh is fixed over the top of the membrane to assist plaster adhesion.  This is all very over-the-top, but if it keeps water out of the corners, it will be very worthwhile.

And the west wall is finished, all first-coat plastered around the window frame.  The frame has yet to have opening casement pieces fitted, but Rowan has prioritised the outer frames for us to help get the plastering done as soon as possible.  Unfortunately, Rowan is already committed to two other jobs, so he's doing our frames in the evening and when he's rained off other jobs.

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