Tuesday 28 January 2014


16 January 2014

It doesn't seem likely, but Mad Robbie has reached his 60th birthday.  So a celebration was held.  In George's.  Dave and the band were playing, but first there was a small stage play, in which Robbie was (all unprepared) arrested on his boat for Crimes Against Comedy, and brought to trial in George's.  I appeared as a witness for the prosecution on the charge of Character Assassination.  We all wrote our own statements and it went off very well.  Video footage was taken, but I haven't seen it yet.  Unfortunately my camera was tucked away safely in the band gear, so I don't have photos of me in costume as Miss Jean Broody - perhaps just as well!

Lots of fun was had, and the band played a storm.  Dave's virus keeps hanging on, so he was under the weather, which was a pity for him, but we stayed out till 2am, so he did all right.

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