Thursday 21 November 2013

Moving at the speed of continents

Friday-Saturday, Nov 1 & 2

We just kept going.  Dave and Rob completed the ditch, in between making mixes and moving stones, bringing it up level with the last few barrow-loads of gravel..

The wall reached the music room door, and in the interests of speed, I just sketched in the steps and carried on round the corner.

Same the next day, careering along the back of the kitchen.  I'm back at the lowest point of the foundation compared to the internal floor level, so there's 40cm more wall height here than up at the west side.  It's amazing how much that slows down progress.

Dave and Rob finished moving almost every last stone from the delivery site to the work site, not easy, as there were only very (very) big ones left.  They spent the time in between mixes scrabbling around our acre collecting in-between sizes - prised out of the ground where necessary. 

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