Friday 29 November 2013

Getting plastered

Friday 22 November 2013

Finally, on Friday, the room was mostly constructed, although we had run out of laths before we could finish the outside of the internal walls (we wanted these done because we don't want to be hammering laths onto the other side of already plastered walls - in case the plaster falls off - but we'll have to use screws now, instead).  During a break in the weather Dave made the first lime plaster mix, and got started ...

 First panel.  Dave caught in the process of standing up

 The big panels - the internal walls

 Moving on, getting the technique right on some small panels first

 Meanwhile - it's raining and raining and raining - Dave making mixes between cloudbursts, then we try to trundle the wheelbarrow into the entry via a seesawing plank - lots of fun!

Our water feature outside the front door - for some reason the roofers decided this was a good place for a hole in the guttering and no downpipe.

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