Monday 30 September 2013

Aerial bombardments

Mid Sept 2013

The nights are starting to draw in, but the hornets won't go away, so we sit in the dark as long as we can, then make a break for the bed with its insect netting, where we can read.  Dave uses a torch balanced on his chest, and I have a backlit Kindle (yippee).  Something will have to be done.  We tried one of those blue light insect zappers - we called it 'Frank' - but the hornets are too big to fit into the zapping zone. 

Then we came home one day to find the old teabags - usually balanced in an rickety pagoda waiting to go in the bin - had been strewn across the floor.  And one of the eggs had got itself upstairs, cleaned out, with only pieces of shell left to tell the tale.  We worked out it was crows, or possibly magpies, not too difficult to deduce after we returned home one day, driving round the corner, to see a huge cloud of dark birds flying out of the house like a scene from Hitchcock.

Don't let anyone tell you living 'close to nature' is romantic!

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