Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Wall - Day One

Thursday 18 April 2013

Just when I was fretting that yet another day was going to be lost to wall-building, Amanda called to say she was run off her feet at work and could we postpone Art Party this week.  So Day One of building the wall had finally arrived.

We had some lime and sand left over from the roofing, and Dave had researched the correct ratios, so he started mixing mortar, while I positioned the first stones.  It took a day of trial and error, learning the knack, and lots of heavy lifting, and we had the first few stones in position.  It doesn't look much - and the white lime mortar and white limestone on pale concrete doesn't make a good photo! - but we were very proud. 

The slowest part of the process is mixing the mortar in a bucket.  20 mins to mix, 10 mins to rest afterwards, 5 mins to use, only enough for three large stones.  We need to get ourselves a mortar mixer.

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