Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tile Heaven

Friday 22 March 2013

We had an extremely wild night of strong winds, lifting and flapping the awning, shaking the camper van and leaving us terrified we'd have no tiles left by morning.  To cap it off, there was a bit of a quake just as it was getting light.  Just to put us through torment.  So we were overjoyed to crawl out of bed, bleary and tortured, and find the roof exactly how it had been left.

Yianni, Rap and one other were back, early next morning, and the job proceeded with all speed.  Yianni mixing a lime-cement mortar and sticking down the edge and ridge tiles.  Interesting to see that they use lime for this job. 

Fantastic to see the roof going on, it felt like everything was coming up roses.  In fact, it was coming up Orchids - as this brave survivor of the delivery trucks demonstrated.

Even the cats were working hard, and had left us this dead rat offering in what will be the bedroom - hope that doesn't become a habit.

By four o'clock the roof was done, all new and shiny and glorious.  Yianni said he'd be back for a final visit tomorrow.

On Saturday Yianni and Rap finished the final bits of bracing, and removed all the temporary struts, which we were glad of, to be able to finish treating the wood, especially those two porch uprights at the front right of the photo above.

So here's the house on Saturday 23 March - with a nice roof, and a neat frame, all ready for us to take over for the next stage(s).

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