Thursday 27 September 2012

Flat-packed frame

Thursday 27 September 2012

On Thursday we slept late, after all this wild behaviour, and in preparation for the final farewell gig tonight.  I staggered out to feed the livestock, while Dave enjoyed his Rock God lifestyle.

Megachuck rethinking her laying strategy: 

 'No cameras!'

Chickens examining the pond in our defunct dinghy.

As we were mildly curious why there had been no progress with the wood frame since last Saturday, I sent a text to Constantine, wondering if we were waiting for a wood delivery.  He answered yes, and it would arrive 'very very soon'.  Well, you don't take something like that too seriously round here, so I made tea and went back to bed.

A thundering down the track heralded a massive delivery lorry, only ten minutes later, so we flung on some clothes and went out to move the cars to let him through.  While watching the unloading, I text again, to say 'Wow!  THAT soon.'  He said he and Yianni would be back on site from tomorrow.  I said we would be out at the final gig tonight, and asked if they'd work quietly in the morning.  'We are always very shy at work', replied K.

Looking at the wood, we reckon everything we need is now here, including a massive long roof beam, ready-made t-bar supports and rough olive-wood corners.  Hurrah!  


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