Sunday 30 May 2021

Easter Weekend

 1 - 3 May 2021

Following our efforts to house-paint for Robbie and Sue, they were all moved in by the weekend of Greek Easter, and invited us and some others round for a barbeque.  Meanwhile, the garden, and even the boat, was full of life and growing things.

Just by the front door - a cabbage white chrysalis, very beautiful, until it grows up and eats our kale

On the boat - I thought Dave was joking when he said he's having kittens!  Four little newborns nestled under the dinghy cover.

Then we went round to Robbie's, and admired his chicken house, and its occupants

Robbie decided to invite a donkey to dinner.  It was very lovely, and very well behaved ...

... right up until it tried to eat the table cloth

In our garden, the self-seeded apple tree has thrown out an amazing number of blossoms.  Last year's apples were the size of marbles, but very sweet tasting and well formed.  Maybe it was just practising?

And first time ever, we have baby grapes on the vines.  This year we built up a deep bed around the vines, and gave them loads of manure, so far they seem to be pleased about it.

At the pond - our first iris of the year.


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