Friday 30 October 2020

New Arrivals in the Garden

 14 - 16 October 2020

The day after the family left - having had a week of lovely sunny weather, perfect for sea-bathing and evenings eating outdoors - the heavens opened with a massive electrical storm and downpour.  We failed to unplug the internet in time, and our router burnt out with a crack of blue light (which took two weeks to repair, as so many other people had the same problem).

For us, this meant that we could get on with the gardening, as the soil was damp and loose.  

I started on this little bed with two Elderberry shrubs and our longest surviving, if least well performing, Moringa tree.  The bed was getting eaten up by couch grass, and needed urgent assistance.

One of our little self-seeded apple tree saplings didn't survive the high winds.

Braving the weather, we attended a talk in Lefkas Town by a herbalist (friend of a friend) called Aris.  He is very well known on the island for his understanding of local plants and herbs and their medicinal uses.  Dave asked about his recent flare-up of gout (too much partying while the kids were here!) and Aris recommended nettle tea.  We don't have a nettle patch, they like damp.  But next morning, I saw that we had one growing in the compost, and there were others near by.  Nature is very helpful sometimes!

A new arrival at the pond, a little wagtail (on the rock), catching insects.

The oldest Aloe has flowered again.

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