Thursday 27 February 2020

Birthday Breather

14 - 18 February 2020

It has all been so intense recently that we decided to give ourselves a break.  We had errands in Lefkas Town on Friday, it was my birthday on Monday and we were expecting our architect to come to make final drawings on Tuesday, so we called off the workforce and took a long weekend holiday.

 The first sign that we haven't killed all the pond plants - one lily is putting out a new leaf

 A sad day on Saturday - we woke up to a dead chicken.  Not a scratch on her, so we don't know what caused it.  She had a pretty good life though.  Thank you for all the eggs, chicken.

 My birthday gift from the pond - the leaf unfurls!

 We went for a walk by the sea at Vasiliki.  It was such a beautiful day (58 today!)

Constantine came as planned on Tuesday, and we galloped round the house taking measurements.  We have to submit an 'As Built' plan which highlights all the places we have diverged from the permit.  We then pay a fine and hopefully they sign the house off as finished.  We diverged from the plan quite considerably, due to the plan not really taking into account the wood frame structure.  In the end, we are very happy with how it has turned out, so we'll pay the fine.  We are slipping an application for a car-port into the plans too.

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