Sunday 31 March 2019

UK Trip 2

25 Feb to 4 March 2019

Monday saw us heading up to Centreparcs, after Richie arrived (frozen) by bicycle late on Sunday night.  We were meeting Dave's Rob and family and my George and family, and later for the weekend my half-sisters and families were coming.  Should've been a good time.

 Richie, George, Noah and Phillie come to visit us in our villa

 We decide the weather is mild enough for a barbeque, hosted by Rob and Tanya

 Vinnie and Noah get acquainted

Then it all goes horribly wrong and the funny sniffly 'flu I've been feeling suddenly peaks (high temperature, blood pressure, dehydration, fever) and I'm in hospital being sorted out.  After this I spent a week on the sofa (day and night - I couldn't lie down for coughing) surrounded by tissues and unable to eat.  The immediate families were very brave and came to visit at a short distance, but I didn't even see my half-sisters' families.  

At the end of the Centreparcs week, I was still very limp, so George and Phillie took me home and kept me stocked with tissues while Dave went to see his daughter in the north east.  When he arrived we went to the health centre and they diagnosed Chicken Pox, and said I would be a risk to any pregnant mothers on the flight, so we changed all our arrangements and stayed four more days.

Meanwhile, Dave, George and Phillie went to get chickens, as Noah had been so taken with the ducks at Centreparcs.

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