Wednesday 26 September 2018

Window trims - another marathon

6 - 12 September 2018

While I was limewashing the upper reaches of the music room, Dave started work on the window trims in that room.  So far, only three windows have been properly finished, the rest of the house is still to do.  So this will be another long haul.  Each window needs 'quarter-round' beading against the glass, to hide the glass edge (this is fraught - as a misplaced panel pin will crack the glass); then the frame holding the glass needs a trim to disguise the slightly smaller fit of the frame to the box; and then the internal edge of the box needs some mitred-corner 2x2 cm trim to hide the plywood edges.  It's a fiddly job, lots of intricate measuring and cutting and then filling, sanding and painting.  I make it twelve more windows to do.  Not Dave's favourite type of job, but I've bagsed the limewash and plastering, so he's stuck with it!

 The west window in the music room was the one broken into in January 2017 while we were in the UK.  It has been screwed shut since then.  

 I finally got round to asking Rowan to look at it, and he replaced the splintered piece and filled the large damaged area, so Dave could get on with prettifying it

 Obligatory cute dog update photo

 Dave doing the delicate nailing on the glass trim

Some time later, the reinstalled window gleaming white (and I'd cleaned it!)
The room is now ready to dress up for visitors.

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