Wednesday 27 December 2017

Setting up the battery zone

13 Dec 2017

It occurred to me very suddenly one morning, on waking up, that all the equipment in boxes ready to be wired up for the electrics, would need a substantial backing board firmly fixed to the wall posts, before they could be mounted.  Dave agreed, so we made a trip to the woodyard for a large piece of 20mm ply.

It turned out to be huge, and heavy.  We measured and drilled, and Dave cut away some of an olive wood corner that was sticking out proud of the wall, then we sanded and painted.  Then we worked out the positions of the battery management system and the inverter, and Dave measured and fitted brackets, and eventually we managed, between us, to hold it up and get some screws into the wall.

 Monster board, ready for action!

 Dave clears protrusions from the wall

 Drilled, sanded, painted, and brackets being fitted

 The wall before ...

 ... and after, fitting

The battery management box hung up on its bracket.  Then we tried to lift the inverter.  Not a chance.  Dave will need proper help for that one.

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