Saturday 21 October 2017

Week of work - Tues

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Panos and Dmitri had agreed to come and help get some urgent jobs sorted out, so, before the plastering could begin we talked them through building a chicken run extension, to give the girls more space.  We have been free-ranging them, but they eat all the salads and herbs, so they need an exclosed exercise yard.  Then there was lunch to make for five, then the plastering could begin ...

 Panos and Dmitri forcing their way through the undergrowth to measure for fencing

 Dave and Rowan discuss roofing ideas for the trombe

 Dave fixes plastering mesh over some lathed areas on the mezanine

 and I, finally, have the last lath!  (Probably)

Later that day, the chickens explore their new territory

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