Tuesday 30 August 2016

Into Hiding

19 August 2016

After our intense days of relative-visiting, we scheduled in a couple of quiet days in an airbnb called 'Maggie's Hide' in the Peak District.  The rain that had held off for the wedding set in for a persistent drizzle.  So we holed up in our little shed-with-benefits, and ventured out for a few walks between showers.  The local area was wonderful, with a tiny river full of wildlife at the bottom of the footpath by our hide.

 Outside the hide, the too-damp-to-use terrace (but we did put some of the nasturtiums in a salad)

 The top of the precipitous footpath to the river

 Braving the weather - a six mile hike across to another river valley which joined up with ours

 Adolescent ducks posing for a photo

 A brown trout in crystal waters

 Limestone crag dwarfing Dave

 The stone circle at Arbor Low, with sheep council in session

Little bridge where our footpath met the river

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