Tuesday 30 December 2014

Waiting for the Weather

Week 2, December 2014

More waiting for the weather so we can get the second coat finished.

 By Monday 8th we had completed all the left hand side, with only the top quarter on the right and the bit that curves round to join the north wall still to do.  But the rain continues.

 Tuesday is intermittently drizzly, but I couldn't stay indoors any longer and tackled cutting back the undergrowth that was threatening to overwhelm the shed.  We have to disconnect the water from the old camper van and Dave will need access through the brambles.

 While in the area of the shed, I noticed that our dozy lemon tree was producing fruit.  Last time it only managed one lemon, so this was a major improvement.

The next day it was sunny, and I restrung the washing line that Dave had chainsawed down while olive pruning, and hung out the first wash on it.

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