Monday 25 February 2013

Three Strikes

Wednesday 13 February 2013

It may be a Wednesday, but it was definitely unlucky 13 today, when we woke up to find the electricity unaccountably absent.  We'd had an incredible electrical storm right overhead for much of the night, thunder crashing so close it made the camper van rock.  And it had fried our inverter.  Dave had a quick look, but there was no obvious scorching inside, so we made an arrangement to see Dieter.  We were going to Lefkas town anyway, to see the lawyer, to give him the phone number for the brother of the man who sold the land to the people before us ... (we just asked at the village taverna, they know everything).  Just before leaving, we also got a call from Constantine, to bring our land plans, as he had been contacted by Vassilli with the chainsaw about our NE corner.

So, it was all go.  We saw the lawyer, but didn't move any further forward.  The son of the brother said he'd get his uncle to call back, but the lawyer wasn't hopeful.  We had more luck with Dieter, he checked with the supplier of the inverter who said it was under warranty and gave us a brand new replacement - hurrah!  Then we saw Constantine, who had a long conversation with the lawyer and argued how best to deal with the two issues on the land, the olive trees and the corner.  Apparently, in order to maximise land for sale as buildable, some people 'borrow' territory from a neighbour in order to meet the required square meterage.  This seems to have happened to us.  So we wanted to know if we can consolidate our two patches to make a foolproof plot.  There seem to be some hurdles involved in this, so we're waiting for feedback from the experts.

Back home, Dave wired in the new inverter.  Everything fine, except that the wireless internet router was feebly flashing.  It seems to have been fried as well.  I phoned the phone company and they said they'd provide a new one in due course.

A day later, we wondered why the freezer in the fridge was leaking.  The light was on, but otherwise, no cooling going on.  A third blitz.  It was a very impressive storm.  The man from the fridge shop came and looked and took the fridge away.  It is also under warranty, but parts have to come from Athens.  Luckily the weather is coldish, while we work our way through the perishables.

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