Thursday 19 July 2012

Someday my Plinth will come ...

Tuesday 17 July 2012

They were back bright and early on Tuesday, taking the shuttering off the foundation block and positioning it around the plinth that stands upright on top of it.  Nice easy day, they finished around 2pm with the job looking nearly done.  I rang Constantine and said I was concerned that the reinforcing steel didn't reach right to the ends where the plinth is extended to hold up the roof pillars.  I had mentioned this several times to several people, in pidgin Greek, and they had all nodded and smiled and humoured me.  I'd also had to get them to move the stopper ends further back, because they'd shuttered up to where the metal stopped (back to front thinking, there).  Constantine said not to worry, they weren't going to pour the next bit for some days and he'd stop by before then.

They'd told me they were pouring tomorrow, around 2 pm.

Dave had positioned a waste drainage pipe for the shower and/or bath below floor level through the plinth.  On four separate occasions I had to retrieve the pipe from where it had been moved out of the way while they put up shuttering and then forgot to put it back.  The final time I stood over one of the lads while he hacked into the shuttering to make a space for it.  Then tapped my feet until it was securely wired in place.  Phew!  How come Dave is always away skippering when things kick into action?

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