Saturday 8 October 2011

Bad Company

Saturday, 27 August 2011

On Saturday, we went into Nidri for the football and to see if we could catch up with Jim before he left the next day.  But after the previous night’s band we were tired and I went home early – 10 ish.  It was dark and I went to bed straight away, as did Dave a little later after gigging with Rob at the Tree Bar.  In the morning, however, we noticed we’d had a break-in.  The back window of the camper van was broken, clearly prised open, as the supports which hold it open were snapped and one of the catches broken.  Nothing appeared to be stolen, though, so I assumed I’d scared them off by returning at 10 ish. 

It’s not pleasant, and it has destroyed some of our quality of life here.  We worry now about leaving the computers in the van – we don’t want to seal that window up (luckily as it turned out), but we can’t think of a way of easily making it burglar-proof, so we carry the laptops into the shed when we go out and into the camper through the night.

The next day, though, we realised something was missing.  Our rodent repeller had vanished!  To me, this was just surreal – but I suppose if someone had a bad rat problem they might just be driven to the edge of madness.  Dave was more practical – it must’ve looked like one of those burglar alarms that send a message to your mobile, he suggested.  It did have an intermittent red light and a slight crackly noise up close, so I suppose it stood out in the dark in the van.  

I searched the fields all around, in case it had been thrown away, but no luck.  So I ordered some more from the UK, and we lay in bed the next few nights listening for scrabbling.  By the third night, there were scufflings, so we rushed into Lefkas and paid three times the price for a more ungainly version that does, however, appear to be working a treat.

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