Friday 1 July 2011

Breaking the ground

Saturday and Sunday 21-22 May 2011

We got started in earnest on Saturday - all those seedlings needed a home - so we pickaxed out a rectangular bed, collecting stones and wheelbarrowing away clumps of roots.  The ground slopes by 10 to 15 degrees, so we had to follow the old tradition of terracing to get a level planting area.

We tested our own soil, and the compost, and found they were both alkaline.  Not surprising for us, as Dave says we're on limestone.  Alkaline isn't so good for growing things, so we'll have to look into what additives would be good.  If anyone knows, please throw in a comment - all help gratefully appreciated.
After digging over the gravelly red soil we have, we made a framework out of old boat planks, bits of wood and big stones, and then mixed in a good few bags of Mad Robbie's compost.
Dave went off for a sleep (he'd done most (well, all) of the pickaxing) while I made a pretty track down to the new garden from the decking.  Dave wasn't too impressed when he woke up.  'Why isn't it straight?'  So much for moments of whimsy!
We rounded off the day with the Tree Bar opening night live gig.

When we went to plant out the seedlings next day, we discovered we had a plague of horseflies to deal with.  These things are up to an inch long, with orange bodies and BIG green eyes.  They leave you with an open wound full of anti-coagulant spit that flares up and itches. 

We planted those seedlings in a mad dance of flapping and jumping, one of us planting, the other swiping around with a swatter.  Unlike wasps, these things aren't easily scared off - they attack back, and come in pairs - always watch out for the wingman!  Not a relaxing, bucolic task after all.

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