Monday 9 May 2011


Monday 25 April 2011

We were now working on Tropi in the yard, as we’d arranged a short duration haul, and every day would cost another 10 euros, but we stopped for Easter.

These pretty candles are in all the shops – the tradition is to go to church and get your candle lit by the priest, before going home and drawing a sooty cross over the threshold of the house for good luck all year.

On Easter Monday we were invited to Lilias’ house in the village of Katouna in the hills above Lefkas Town.  She had dug a firepit in the garden, and the Greek neighbours had helped skewer a whole lamb and arrange a clever bicycle pedal turning apparatus.

We all took a shift at turning.  When I was doing it, the Greek neighbour came and decided the lamb needed to be lower down, so he adjusted the spit arrangement.  I stopped turning while he did this, but got told off.  ‘Turn, turn, keep turning.’ 

Dave settled into the job.  Sun, beer, the promise of lots of food and an excuse to avoid small talk!


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