Thursday 17 February 2011

Sinks, logs & little people

Sunday 30 January 2011

We got a little more cladding done on the Friday, and then started early on Sunday.  After lunch Howard, Jacquie and the girls found us.

Howard looked at the work we'd done so far, and asked, 'Why have you put the tongue and groove on back to front?'  This finally answered the question we'd wondered about all along - which way round does it go?  We'd decided to do it one way inside, and then, in case that was wrong, the other way round, outside.  It turns out that the outside is wrong - and offers less water protection as a result.  Still, at least the memvrani is behind it.

Howard had promised us a couple of old sinks - nice big steel ones, either for the camper truck, or in the field kitchen - and these three amazing roundwood logs, Cypress, I think, which we will keep for the cottage as beams or uprights.

The girls found our carpentry pencils and requested paper.  We didn't have any, so we gave them offcuts to draw on the back of.  They produced these lovely illustrations which have now been incorporated into the shed cladding - in the narrow space by the side of the door.  I wish we'd asked them to draw on the front of the wood (our front - everyone else's back) - these would've been lovely if just visible under the preservative.

I especially like the little cottage in a field of enormous flowers, and the smiley cat face (Marvin - take note!).

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